About Us

Peace can change everything.

All of us long for peace.

We all desire that state where we feel calm, happy, and unbothered. We desire that feeling where it's as if everything is okay, there is nothing wrong, and nothing is calling for our attention. Sadly, in this world, it seems like peace is the exception not the norm. So often our peace is disturbed by trials, tribulations, pain, struggle, and conflict. If only we could have lasting peace! 

Jesus once said “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” - John 14:27. Jesus gives us lasting peace. And so it is our mission at Peace to find the peace that Jesus gives.

It is our mission to Find Peace In Christ, Find Peace in community, and Find Peace in our calling.

Our Mission

Find Peace in Christ.

Finding peace in Christ is the first and foremost part of our mission. Through his perfect life, death, and resurrection, Jesus won us the forgiveness of sins and peace with God. Jesus promises us that we will have eternal Peace in the presence of God after we die. At Peace Lutheran, we Find Peace in Christ by hearing Jesus’ message of peace proclaimed in worship and by studying the word in various Bible classes.

Find Peace in community.

A church is a community of believers. The Bible encourages us to meet together, to encourage one another, and pray for each other. Part of our mission at peace is to create a community of Christians where people feel welcome, supported, and included. We Find Peace in community by having potluck meals together, praying for each other, supporting each other, and celebrating together.

Find Peace in our calling.

Christ gave us a mission to accomplish. He told us to go and make disciples of all nations and he commanded us to love others as he loved us. God has given each of us different gifts and abilities and it is our calling to use those gifts and abilities to love others and spread the word. We find peace in our calling by sharing Jesus’ message of peace with the community and by engaging in charitable work.

About Us

What you'll learn at Peace.

God's Word — the Bible — is our source of peace. It's what we learn from, grow in, and base all other beliefs upon.

Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Philip Janisch

Pastor Phil Janisch grew up in Plymouth, Minnesota.

In 2013, he received his bachelor's degree from Martin Luther College, and in 2017 he received his Masters of Divinity from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary. Pastor Janisch accepted Peace’s Call to be their pastor in 2022.

Pastor Janisch is married to his wife Margaret and they have two girls, Ila and Naomi. In his spare time Pastor Janisch enjoys reading, hiking, biking, playing board games, and spending time with his family. Pastor Janisch's personal mission is to use God’s word to help people find peaceful answers to life’s big questions.